
Tuesday, 9 April 2013

The Year that changed movies.

There is an issue of Entertainment Weekly that has this sentiment plastered across the cover - "THE YEAR THAT CHANGED MOVIES." "You can stop waiting for the future of movies.  It's already here.  Someday, 1999 will be etched on a microchip as the first real year of 21st century filmmaking.  The year when the old, boring rules about cinema started to crumble," said the article and The Los Angeles Times and several other publicastions agreed.

How attractive does Tom Cruise look in this picture?

I know this blog is technically about movies that can change the world, but to start off the conversation properly it is important to discuss the year that changed movies.  Therefore, I will be doing a blog series on movies from the year 1999 and bring up all of the edgy journeys each of these movies travelled.  One could actually argued 1999 was an era in film making that was not only thoughtful, but was actually deeply spiritual.

I have chosen a few movies from this year that I will elaborate on and discuss in my 1999 blog series hopefully to be releasesed sporadically in the next few weeks.  I don't want to give an exact number of movies I will be talking about in this series because there may be some I decide to drop and others I decide to add.  I am hoping to get feedback from people as well.  If there is a movie from the year 1999 that you feel really delves into hard questions and reveals truth about the world we live in please turn to twitter for your requests and to join the conversation.  You can follow me @joelwillick and tweet your suggestion with the #54films.

Hope to hear your feedback.  Make sure to keep an eye out for upcoming posts.